What is it?
Facet joint irritation (also known as trapped nerve in layman terms) refers to pain and tightness arising from one or more of the facet joints (joints between each vertebral level) in the neck.
How does it happen?
Facet joint irritation usually occurs following a sudden movement resulting in sharp pain in the neck.
How does it feel?
Facet joint irritation is experienced as pain felt in the neck, and occasionally in the head and shoulders. This is usually a sharp pain which is made worse by movement. In most situations it will prevent full neck rotation to one side. The pain is usually to one side of the neck. It may also radiate into the head, shoulder or arm.
What should you do?
If you believe you have facet joint irritation you should consult your nearest Osteopath for treatment.
What shouldn’t you do?
If you have facet joint irritation you shouldn’t ignore the problem and continue to participate. This may lead to your problem getting worse resulting in a prolonged recovery. In addition, you should avoid activities which aggravate your pain.
Could there be any long-term effects?
Facet joint irritation usually does not produce any long-term effects, as long it is properly diagnosed and appropriately treated. Recovery usually takes place in a matter of days. The main ongoing problem associated with neck pain is its tendency to re-occur or come back.
The assistance of an Osteopath is important in the treatment of Facet joint irritation. Initially they can assist in diagnosing the problem and determining its severity. The Osteopath will be able to determine an appropriate treatment plan. This may initially involve techniques to reduce your pain. These may include activity modification, the taking of anti-inflammatory medications, and osteopathic treatment.
Facet joint irritation (also known as trapped nerve in layman terms) refers to pain and tightness arising from one or more of the facet joints (joints between each vertebral level) in the neck.
How does it happen?
Facet joint irritation usually occurs following a sudden movement resulting in sharp pain in the neck.
How does it feel?
Facet joint irritation is experienced as pain felt in the neck, and occasionally in the head and shoulders. This is usually a sharp pain which is made worse by movement. In most situations it will prevent full neck rotation to one side. The pain is usually to one side of the neck. It may also radiate into the head, shoulder or arm.
What should you do?
If you believe you have facet joint irritation you should consult your nearest Osteopath for treatment.
What shouldn’t you do?
If you have facet joint irritation you shouldn’t ignore the problem and continue to participate. This may lead to your problem getting worse resulting in a prolonged recovery. In addition, you should avoid activities which aggravate your pain.
Could there be any long-term effects?
Facet joint irritation usually does not produce any long-term effects, as long it is properly diagnosed and appropriately treated. Recovery usually takes place in a matter of days. The main ongoing problem associated with neck pain is its tendency to re-occur or come back.
The assistance of an Osteopath is important in the treatment of Facet joint irritation. Initially they can assist in diagnosing the problem and determining its severity. The Osteopath will be able to determine an appropriate treatment plan. This may initially involve techniques to reduce your pain. These may include activity modification, the taking of anti-inflammatory medications, and osteopathic treatment.